Bachelor of Arts in Musical Theatre & BA Theatre: Acting, North Central College (in progress)
Relevant Coursework:
Theatre Design and Technology:
- Introduction to Scenic Design (Instructor: Brian Redfern)
- Stagecraft (Instructor: Dean Gnadinger)
- Makeup (Instructor: Julane Sullivan)
- Theatre History and Literature I & II (Instructor: John Warrick)
- Costuming Unleashed (Instructor: Julane Sullivan)*
- Acting on Camera (Instructor: Sarah Charipar)
- Acting Realism (Instructor: Dr. Laura Lodewyck)
- Voice and Movement (Instructor: Mitzi Smith)
- Script Analysis (Instructor: Dr. Laura Lodewyck)
- Acting Fundamentals (Instructor: Jeremy Ohringer)
Vocal Performance:
- Vocal Pedagogy (Instructor: Angela Korbitz)
- Applied Voice: Classical (Instructor: Victoria VerHoven)
- Opera Workshop (Instructor: Jennifer Barrett)
- Women’s Chorale (Instructor: Ramona Wis)
- Concert Choir (Instructor: Ramona Wis)
- Cardinal Chorus (Instructor: Laura Coster)
- Diction for Singers (Instructor: Angela Korbitz)
- Music Theory for Actors (Instructor: Mitzi Smith)
Musical Theatre:
- Applied Voice: Musical Theatre (Instructor: Jennifer Barrett)
- Piano Lessons: Musical Theatre (Instructors: Bob Saul, Ann August-Waldron)
- Musical Theatre: Audition and Portfolio (Instructor: Mitzi Smith)
- Acting for the Musical Stage (Instructor: Mitzi Smith)
- Choreography (Instructor: Cindy Hartigan)
- Musical Theatre Dance II (Instructor: Cindy Hartigan)
- Tap Dance (Instructor: Cindy Hartigan)
- Musical Theatre Dance I (Instructor: Cindy Hartigan)
- Jazz Dance (Instructor: Cindy Hartigan)
Communications and Miscellaneous:
- Global Media in a Digital Age (Instructor: Susan Carlson)
- Social Media (Instructor: David Weissman)
- Speaking Seminar (Instructor: Kelli Ling)
- Media Criticism (Instructor: Steve Macek)*
- Ireland: From Famine to Freedom (Instructor: Shereen Ilahi)*
Theatre Student, Beverly Arts Center (2017-2019)
❖ Stage Makeup (Instructor: Colleen O'Connor)
❖ Directing (Instructor: Colleen O'Connor)
Graduate, Jones College Prep (Class of 2020)
3.9 GPA
Pre-Law Program: Intern for Catholic Charities Legal Services